What is Oak Wilt Tree Disease?

Oak trees are among the most majestic and beautiful trees in Indiana. They provide an abundance of benefits, and service even more purposes. But just like all living organisms, Oak tree are vulnerable to disease and illness too. One of the most common forms of oak tree disease is called oak wilt, and affects hundreds of acres of oak trees each year. Continue reading to learn more about oak wilt and how to manage a tree with this disease.

Oak Wilt Disease

Oak wilt is an intravenous fungal disease that attacks the vascular system of an Oak tree. It inhibits water and nutrients from accessing the tree’s canopy, causing the entire tree to suffer. There are two primary ways oak wilt disease is spread. The first and most common means of oak wilt transmission is root grafting. Root grafting occurs when the root systems of two separate trees come together and share water and nutrients. This is very common for trees that are close together. So if one tree becomes infected with oak wilt, and it is grafted with another tree’s roots, it can spread the disease to the other tree.

The other common form of oak wilt transmission is through beetles. Nitidulid beetles can carry oak wilt fungus from one tree to another. They are most active during the months of February to June, which is why you should never trim oak trees during this time of year. Nitidulid beetles are attracted to wounds in oak trees, so if an oak tree is newly trimmed during their active time of year, Nitidulid beetles will go for the fresh cut marks in the tree and potentially spread disease. For this reason, be sure to only trim Oaks between July and January. If an oak tree must be trimmed between February and June, pruning paint can protect against Nitidulid beetles and other pests.

The only effective method of treatment or preventative care is fungicide injections. Once oak wilt is identified within 200 feet of your landscaping trees, it is a good idea to proceed with fungicide injections for precautionary purposes. But preventative precautionary fungicide injections are not always effective. Once a tree is infected with oak wilt, the only fungicide treatment that can cure it is called Propiconazole. Again, treatment is not always effective. Talk to your local arborist for information about protecting your landscaping trees against disease and other hazards.

Tree Service in Fishers, IN

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Fishers Tree Service 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties at the most competitive prices in town. Services include tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, shaping, lot clearing, and more. Call 317-537-9770 for affordable and fast tree removal services in Fishers, Indiana.

How to Care for Mature Trees

A tree is like an investment. Once they mature, they are higher in value and can even increase a property’s overall worth. This is a good reason why homeowners should pay close attention to the maturing trees in their landscapes. Proper tree care for mature trees is a bit different from caring for early to mid-life trees. Maturing trees can pose safety hazards or decline in health if not cared for properly. Continue reading to learn how to care for mature trees, and who to call on for professional assistance you can trust!

Mature Tree Care

If mature trees are not tended-to in the right way, they can quickly become simple nuisances, and worse, safety hazards. Over-grown foliage can clog gutters, block sunlight to gardens, invite unwanted pests, give wild animal’s access to the roof, and damage siding; while tree trunks can become infected or infested with termites and other nuisance insects. And as for safety, the structural integrity of large branches and the trunk can decline, causing fallen trees and potential injuries to people and costly damages to properties.

Proper tree care includes using the right techniques for routine inspections, mulching, watering, fertilizing, and pruning. It is important to have all your important landscape trees to be serviced by a professional arborist or tree care company. They retain the proper tools and training to provide comprehensive tree services in a convenient time-frame. They can provide tree trimming, pruning, disease treatment (if-needed), branch removal, and much more. As for yourself, there are several things you can do to care for your mature trees.

Start with regular inspections of the branches, foliage, and trunk. Look for environmental problems, damages to the bark, dead or discoloring leaves, fungus or mold growth, pest infestations, or signs of nuisance animal activity. By catching these issues early on, you can protect your tree from extensive harm and prevent paying for tree removal services.

Also, be sure to water your trees regularly, but do not allow the tree’s trunk to get wet. This can lead to mold growth, which then invites pests and other infestation problems. It then deteriorates the tree and weakens its structural integrity. If left unresolved, it can kill the tree. Apply mulch around the base of your trees once every year, two to four inches deep, and one to two inches away from the base of the trunk. The diameter of the mulch bed should not extend beyond the tree’s canopy.

Have a professional tree service check the soil’s PH levels and provide proper fertilization for your mature trees. Proper pH levels in the soil beneath a tree will correct any nutrient deficiencies that hinder tree growth. This also reduces plant stress, which in turn, renders a healthier tree.

Fishers Tree Care

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for tree service in Fishers, IN and its surrounding communities. We are licensed arborist that provide a wide range of commercial and residential tree removal and service. We are fully-equipped and trained to undertake any size tree project, from individual tree removal to commercial lot clearing, and beyond! Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree removal and tree services you can trust in Fishers, Indiana.

Recommended Pest Control Products for Trees and Shrubs

Utilizing safe but effective pest control products can be a fantastic way to protect your trees and shrubs from hazardous insects and more. There are various insecticide products available on the market, all ranging in price, target, and quality. For this reason, is it important to distinguish the good products from the poor-quality or ineffective ones. Continue reading for three top-recommended tree pest control products that are both safe and effective for trees and shrubbery.

Martin’s Dominion Tree and Shrub Insecticide

If you are looking for an environmentally-safe non-toxic insecticide, Martin’s Dominion Tree and Shrub Insecticide is a great choice. You can find this product online, or on the shelf at most garden and landscaping stores. The price per bottle is relatively inexpensive, ranging from $15 to $30, depending on the size or quantity. A 32 ounce bottle costs around $25 on average. This rain-roof solution protects against insects like aphids, crickets, grubs, ticks, beetles, and more. The best part is that it can be applied to trees, shrubs, lawns, bushes, and more without causing any harm! It treats and protects trees for up to 12 months, so reapplication is necessary on an annual basis.

Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Control

Another effective rain-proof, environmentally-safe, and non-toxic insecticide on the market is Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub Insect Control. It is scientifically designed to destroy all pests and prevent infestations; including Emerald Ash Borer, ticks, larvae, beetles, wasps, termites, and more. This product is perfect for more mature trees are a large quantity of trees. The familiar blue bottle with its equally-familiar red banner generally costs anywhere from $100 to $150, for a one gallon portion. Although a bit pricey, it is an optimal choice for large-scale tree care and protection. It is a concentrated formula too, so you are getting much more than one gallon’s worth of product, making the cost more understandable. It is to be mixed with water and then poured at the base of trees for up to one year of protection. Just like the aforementioned product, it needs reapplication on an annual basis.

Zylam Liquid Systematic Tree Shrub Ornamental Insecticide

Another effective and non-toxic insecticide product that comes highly recommended is called Zylam Liquid Systematic Tree Shrub Ornamental Insecticide. It is more like a topical solution that can be applied to bark and foliage, or used as a soil-injection, tree band, or drench. Like the others mentioned, this product is specially-formulated to kill all pests and prevent infestations; including Emerald Ash Borer, crickets, ticks, larvae, beetles, wasps, termites, and more. Since it moves intravenously through leaves, it even targets and destroys insects that hide underneath leaves. This colorless and odorless solution generally costs around $150 per court, depending on the quantity purchased and retailer.

Tree Service in Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are trained and qualified arborists with several decades of experience in the tree industry. We provide a wide range of professional tree services for both residential and commercial properties; including tree removal, tree trimming, transplanting, tree disease treatment, stump grinding and removal, lot clearing, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for prompt tree removal services in Fishers, IN.

Manual Stump Removal Versus Stump Grinding

The method and degree of difficulty for removing a stump largely depends on its size and age. An older tree stump is likely rotted or decayed, making it easier to remove; while a fresh stump is solid and requires more labor and supplies to remove. There are several methods to stump removal, but they all boil down to two categories, manual versus grinding. Continue reading to learn the manual methods of stump removal and stump grinding, as well as, the methods that involve both.

Manual Tree Stump Removal

Generally, older and smaller trees, stumps, and shrubs are easier to remove, so a manual approach to doing so is your best option in most cases. There are a few different approaches to manual stump removal. One approach is to drill a few large, deep holes into the stump from the top, and then fill those holes with either a natural compound like cow manure that has a high nitrogen content, or a store-bought stump remover solution the promotes tree decay in the same way. From there, all you do is wait for the tree trunk to rot away and become one with the Earth again. Although easy, keep in mind this is the slowest method to stump removal.

Another method of manual stump removal is probably the most attempted method, as well as, the most dangerous and destructive. It is the old fashion version of tree stump removal, using a rope, and a vehicle. You get the picture. This can cause major damage to a vehicle, the driver, the landscape, and the surrounding environment. This is a popular method for the DIY tree stump remover, but not a recommended one. Do not try this under any circumstances, ever!

Stump Grinding

For larger or fresher tree stumps, a more invasion and aggressive method of removal is needed. This typically involves using machinery like chainsaws, chip grinders, lateral grinding machines, and more. Stump grinding is the fastest method for removing tree trunks. For those who prefer the DIY route, you can rent or purchase a stump grinding machine, but be sure to do ample research to learn how to safely handle such equipment. The best option for stump grinding is to hire a professional tree company who already retains the proper tools, equipment, resources, licensing, and training to remove tree stumps in a time frame that’s convenient for you.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree stump removal in Fishers, Indiana. We offer a wide range of tree services for both residential and commercial properties at the most competitive prices in town. When you need tree service you can trust, call on our highly trained and qualified tree contractors every time! Just dial 317-537-9770 and speak directly to a qualified tree service professional in Fishers, IN today.

How to Identify a Hazardous Tree

Mature trees are a beautiful asset to any home or property. Not only do they provide endless aesthetic appeal and enjoyment, they give us shade and privacy, which improves our indoor energy efficiency and reduce external noise pollution. As a family grows year after year, trees do too, making it harder to say goodbye to the ones that need removed. But sometimes, old or ill trees can pose a serious safety concern for humans, pets, and properties.

It is important to remove a hazardous tree within a few short days of discovering it. A dead, dying, or bedridden tree is likely to fall at any moment, depending on its condition. So taking preventative precaution is strongly encouraged for everyone’s safety. But how do you know when a tree is hazardous?

Continue reading and learn the signs of a sick, dead, or dying tree.

Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770
Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

Dead and Dying Trees

Dead trees are the easiest to spot. To identify a dead tree, simply take a twig and scratch the surface of it with a knife. What does the inner meat look like? A bright green implies a healthy, but probably dormant, tree. A dull green implies a lower vigor and might mean there is an issue. But brown or dark meat underneath the bark skin signifies a dead tree.

An obvious sign of a dead tree is significant leaf reduction or leaf loss. Outside of winter, a healthy tree grows its leaves back. If it is spring or summer, and a tree is bare, it’s dead or dying.

Another sign of an unhealthy or dying tree is peeling tree bark. When the bark of a tree is spongy, or if it’s brittle and crumbles off at the slightest touch, it is in trouble. It is either already dead or close to it. The same goes for tree limbs and branches. If you notice that many branches and limbs are falling from the tree, or missing from the tree, it is a sure sign that the tree is unhealthy and therefore, unsafe.

Last, you can check for insect infestation to gauge the health and condition of a tree. If you notice a large infestation of beetles or other obtrusive insects, then it may have a tree disease of some sort. This too makes a tree unsafe.

Trusted Tree Removal in Fishers Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal in Fishers, Indiana. Our highly trained and qualified arborists have decades of experience in the tree care industry. We offer a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties. Call 317-537-9770 for more information about tree removal and tree service in Fishers, IN.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

Which Types of Insecticides are Used to Prevent Emerald Ash Borer Disease in Trees?

Emerald Ash Borers are beetles that can cause a significant amount of destruction to Ash Trees. In order to prevent such infestations, arborists commonly apply systematic insecticides for optimal tree protection. Systematic insecticides contain the active ingredients dinotefuran, emamectin benzoate, or imidacloprid. These chemicals have all been registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and deemed appropriate for agricultural applications. They are approved to be used for certain gardens, crops, and foods because they are “reduced-risk” insecticides. They are also used in certain veterinarian applications, like deworming medication for horses and dogs. Continue reading to learn about each insecticide ingredient and where they are applied for pest control purposes.

Active Ingredients

The ingredient imidacloprid has low enough toxicity levels that it can be used on pets to prevent fleas and ticks. It is used to prevent insect infestations and other types of pest infestations in turf grass, farming crops, and landscaping florae.

The ingredient, dinotefuran, is actually sort of new in the world of insecticides. It shares similar properties as the last ingredient, but more information about this is not yet conclusive because there’s not enough research about it quite yet.

The last ingredient, emamectin benzoate, actually comes from a natural source. It is taken from soil bacterium and has been registered for use with the Environmental Protection Agency for more than 10 years. It is approved to be used as a foliage spray for vegetable crops and also cotton fields. Another interesting fact about emamectin benzoate is that it is also used in salmon aquaculture to prevent parasitic lice infestations.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree care industry. We provide tree services for residential and commercial properties all throughout Fishers and its surrounding neighborhoods. We also offer tree service coupons! Call 317-537-9770 for tree disease treatment for Emerald Ash Borers in Fishers, IN today.

How to Check Twigs to Detect if a Tree is Dead or Alive

A dead tree is not typically a safe tree to have on or near your property. They are in fact a safety concern, especially for places where children are often present. A dead tree can fall over and crush anything beneath it, causing injury or death to people and pets, or severe structural damage to property and vehicles. If a tree cannot serve its purpose of aesthetic appeal and comfortable shade, then why have it on your property at all? It is best to remove a tree once it is deemed dead. But how can you know for sure that a tree is dead? After all, many seem as if they have died, only to re-bloom the following spring. One easy strategy for identifying a dead tree is checking its twigs. Sound a little too easy? It should because it is! Continue reading to learn how a twig can quickly tell you whether or not a tree is dead or alive.

Tree Twigs

When trees become dormant in winter, it can be tricky discerning the difference between a dead tree, a tree that needs a few dead branches removed, and a tree that is simply inactive due to the climate. This is why twigs are useful tools in identifying a tree’s condition and health. The only catch to this simple method is that it could take a few twigs or more to make a proper distinction.

Here’s how to check twigs to assess the health and status of a tree you suspect is dead or dying:

1. Examine the moisture level and color of the twigs. The dryer the twig, the deader the tree. Dead or dying trees also have brown or grey-colored twig branches, rather than the healthy-looking tan, purple, orange, or greenish colors that an active tree would have.

2. Look for new branch or bud growth at the ends of the twigs in the late winter or early spring. If the leaf buds appear swollen or open, then the tree is alive. You can also gently scrape the leaf buds with your fingernail to see if you can spot some green. This is another sign of an active tree.

3. Check the flexibility of a few twigs by gently bending them, but not too far that it could break or damage a healthy branch. A dead or dying tree twig will easily snap in half or clear off the tree with just a little pressure; while a healthy tree will exhibit some buoyancy and bend back into shape.

4. Use a small pocket knife, or your fingernail, to scrape the flesh of a twig. If green, white, or cream-colored on the inside, you have a healthy tree on your hands. If brown or grey-like, you have a dead or nearly dead tree.

If you find a dead tree on your property, it is a potential hazard to you, your children, your guests, your home and siding, your cars, and more. It is strongly recommended to have a dead tree removed as soon as possible by a licensed tree service.

Tree Service in Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree service contractors with several years of experience in the industry. We provide residential and commercial tree removal, as well as, a long list of additional tree services. Call 317-537-9770 to learn more about our affordable tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Caring for a Newly Transplanted Tree

Sometimes a tree needs to be moved and replanted. Whether relocating, buying a new house, renovating backyard, adding patio additions or space additions to the home, or remodeling the property’s landscape, tree transplanting is a frequent necessity among home owners. For whatever reason it is that you need to move and replant a tree, be sure you are familiar with all the proper practices and guidelines for doing so; otherwise, you can quickly kill a tree if any phase of a transplant goes wrong. Knowing how to properly transplant a tree is the answer to caring for a newly transplanted tree. Continue reading to learn these recommended practices so you can feel confident when it comes time to transplant a tree.

Tree Transplanting

Before getting started, it is important to gather all needed tools and supplies for the job. This includes comfortable but strong gardening gloves, a large shovel, plastic rope, soil, water, a planter, and an empty bucket. Be sure your shovel is sharp enough to penetrate the ground, and that your soil is the proper type for your tree. Some trees need a sand-like soil, while others require a more organic soil.

Once you have all your needed supplies, get started by keeping the tree amply watered a few days before you intend to dig it up. Watering the tree ahead of time, before the transplant, will assure the tree roots are saturated with plenty of water for when it is out of the ground.

On the day of the actual transplant, start by gently securing the limbs and branches of the tree with the plastic rope. Pull the branches toward the tree trunk, and then tie the rope around them to prevent them from getting damaged during the move.

Next, dig a trench around the base of the tree. This trench doesn’t need to be more than 25 inches. It just needs to be deep enough to reach the tree’s root ball. After you dig this trench, cut beneath the tree to remove the root ball, careful to not damage any roots.

Smaller trees can be temporarily placed in a bucket of fresh water, while you fill up the planter with soil. If the tree is larger, prepare the planter ahead of time since the root ball won’t fit into a bucket of water. Once the planter is a quarter of the way filled with the proper soil-type, add the tree carefully, then fill the rest of the planter will the remaining soil. Pack the soil down with your hands to ensure all roots are surrounded.

Keep the planter in a safe and secure area, and water the tree regularly until it is time to replant it into the ground outside. If you are not up to transplanting a tree yourself, you are not alone! Simply contact a local tree removal company for professional and affordable tree transplanting services.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree transplanting services in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. We offer a wide range of services for both residential and commercial properties; including tree removal, stump removal, tree trimming, lot clearing, dead wooding, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree removal in Fishers, IN today.

Get Rid of Moss on Trees

Moss can seem to be a beautiful occurrence in nature, but the truth is, moss is closer to being a mold and mildew problem than anything else. It grows quickly, thriving mostly in moist and dark environments, just like mold. During the rainy season, moss can grow quickly and survive longer because the overcast skies and wet environment are the perfect combination of dark and moist. Moss is hard to get rid of and remove, and it requires constant preventative maintenance to prohibit a future mold and moss outbreak. Many homeowners notice moss growing on their trees, and wonder how to get rid of the problem. Continue reading to learn about moss, moss removal, and its effect on landscaping trees.

Moss Removal

Moss can create hazardous and costly situations for homes and properties; like making driveways and sidewalks slippery, covering lawns and gardens, overtaking trees, and causing roof and siding damage to our homes. Moss can overcome a tree, covering it from trunk to limb. This is unsightly and can cause moss to spread if the conditions are just right. The best way to prevent a mold and moss disaster is to remove mold, and implement methods to control its return.

Tips to Stop or Remove Mold on Trees:

• Water the Lawn Less Frequently
• Do Not Water Trees in Shaded Areas
• Aerate the Soil
• Improve Water Drainage on Lawn
• Tree Pruning
• Keep Tree Branches Thinned and Trimmed
• Increase Sunlight Exposure to Trees
• Power Wash Tree Trunk (only in winter when tree is dormant)
• Manually Remove Moss from Tree Trunk (by hand)
• Test PH of Lawn with Soil Testing Kit
• Combat Acidic Soils with Lime Applications
• Contact Qualified Arborist for Professional Service

When moss becomes an overwhelming issue for your trees, contact a qualified Fishers Indiana tree service contractor for professional assistance and advice. They retain the proper tools, resources, and training to accurately diagnose and treat tree problems.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. We offer a wide variety of tree services for residential and commercial properties. Tree transplanting, tree disease treatment, tree pruning, trimming, removal, and more are just a few services to name. Call 317-537-9770 to learn more about our professional tree services in Fishers, IN today.

Winter Preparation Tips for Young or Newly Planted Trees

Winter is on its way, which to the average homeowner means, preventative maintenance time. On top of all the other chores and projects homeowners take on before winter sets in, it is important to pay attention to any newly planted or young-growth trees. They can fall victim to the harsh winter climates and freezing temperatures if certain precautions are taken before hand. Because trees are beautiful, beneficial, and costly, no one wants to lose one if it can be prevented. Continue reading to learn some tips for preparing younger or recently-planted trees for winter.


Mulch is one of the best defenses against cold winter temperatures and precipitation. It acts as insulation, protecting the tree’s root system below by sealing in heat in the soil. It provides protection against wind, frost, snow, and freezing temperatures. Although it seems counterproductive to lay mulch before the snow, a newly planted tree can quickly die or upheave without proper root protection. The easiest and best way to achieve this is with mulch.

Tree Trunk Guards

Not only can the cold affect trees, the sunlight can too. Sun scald is a common problem for new trees or young trees. Too much exposure to bright sunlight will cause the tree’s bark to peel, crack, die, and drop off. It creates fissures and other damages on the tree bark that can jeopardize the health of the tree. To prevent this, simple wrap your young or newly planted tree trunks with a tree guard or plastic wrap, or another store-bought tree wrapping material. These wraps insulate the tree and reflect the sunlight back off the bark, preventing scald damage. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to install as well.

Branch Protection

Winter precipitation can become too heavy for newly planted or young trees to handle. Too much snow or ice can cause tree branches to crack, break, and fall. To prevent this, wrap tree branches in burlap, or install tree stakes to hold limbs in place.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for more information about tree care and tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties; like tree transplanting, pruning, trimming, tree disease treatment, tree removal, and much more. We also offer free estimates, free advice, coupons, discounts, and more! Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.