Are Your Pine Trees Losing Needles?

This time of year, deciduous trees are starting to lose their leaves, as they should. But evergreens, like Pine Trees, retain their foliage year-round. So it is understandable that many property owners worry about their pine trees dying when they lose their needles. If your pine trees have being losing more needles than usual this time of year, don’t make any impulsive decisions like cutting them down! There is a good reason why pine trees lose their needles. Continue reading to learn more about pine trees, tree care, and more.

Falling Pine Needles

Pine trees and other conifers, although called evergreens, are not always green all year. Their pine needles will eventually turn color and shed; and then new needles grow in their place the following spring and summer. This cycle happens every two to four years. As a tree grows older each year, you can see the newer needles at the tips of its branches, while the older ones are closest to the crown. So if your pine tree is losing its needles this fall, don’t sweat it! It’s just going through its two to four-year cycle of making room for newer needles.

The reason why a pine tree sheds their needles every few years is because older needles cannot produce sufficient nutrients and food to the tree. Also, new needles overshadow and shade older needles, causing them to change color and drop. This process is safe and natural, and does not harm or hurt the tree in any way.

Although needle-loss is a normal sign of aging for pine trees, there are times to be concerned. If the needles are dropping from the ends of the branch, this means new needles are dying. This is not a good sign. The common causes for this are insects and disease. Contact a professional Fishers Tree Service for accurate diagnostics and assistance.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-5637-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties; including storm damage cleanup, tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, branch removal, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for a free estimate or information regarding tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Signs of Tree Damage

Our trees are more than just aesthetic parts of our landscaping. They also assist in a property’s energy-efficiency, privacy, and more. These reasons, and more, are why homeowner’s take extra care of their landscaping trees. It can be expensive to remove, or replace a tree; so it is best to maintain healthy trees that last a lifetime. When a tree is diseased, injured, or dying, there are several signs that you can see. Take these signs as a warning and implement preventative maintenance to prevent them from happening to your other trees in the future.

Tree Bark

When a tree is in distress, its bark may be the first area to show it. Peeling bark, bark that appears soggy or droopy, bark that is discolored, chipping bark, and foul-smelling bark are all negative signs for a tree. This could mean your tree is dying, or it may have a disease or insect infestation. Call a local Fishers Tree Care service for emergency tree removal or treatment.

Dying Leaves

When the leaves on a tree begin to fall, before Fall, it’s a sign that something is wrong. This could be a sign of diminished water supply, or a lack of nutrients. Nutrients are derived from the soil below, by the root system, and administered throughout the tree. If the leaves are dying, it may be because they are not getting enough nutrients or water.

Tree Branch Loss

If branches on a tree are beginning to die-back or fall off, it could be a sign of girdling roots. This usually occurs when a tree is planted in the middle of pavements or buildings, or planted with limited amount of root-growing space. Be sure to dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots and their eventual growth.

Fishers Tree Service

Call 317-537-9770 for tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the industry. We offer several tree removal and tree services; including tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, and much more. We also offer free estimates and tree care advice, any time. Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal service in Fishers, IN today.

Emerald Ash Borer Facts

The Emerald Ash Borer is a green-backed wood-boring beetle that attacks Ash Trees in the Northern regions of the United States. It was first discovered in Michigan in 2002 and has quickly made a mark in the arborist industry in neighboring states like Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and more. It was thought to be inadvertently imported from Asia ten to fifteen years ago. They are little green beetles that primarily feed on the foliage of Ash trees. But the adult Emerald Ash Borers are not necessarily the threat because their foliage eating has little damaging effect on Ash trees. It is the larvae that causes problems and deterioration.

Emerald Ash Borers

Emerald Ash Borer larvae looks like a small maggot or white worm; while adult beetles are about the size of a raisin, and have metallic green backs. Adults lay eggs inside the bark, and when their larvae is born, they eat their way to the surface until full-grown. Once adults, they emerge from the bark, leaving behind D-shaped exit holes in the wood.

The Emerald Ash Borer larvae is highly damaging to Ash trees, killing thousands of them each year. In fact, since their discovery, these wood-boring beetles have managed to destroy tens of millions of Ash trees all over the northern and north-eastern regions of the country. Affected states include Kentucky, Wisconsin, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, and even parts of Canada.

The destructive effects of the Emerald Ash Borer has cost farmers, arborists, homeowners, and municipalities millions of dollars in damages and losses. The USDA and other caused organizations have been obligated to enforce fines and quarantines on farms and nurseries that contain infected trees. These regulations and restrictions prevented pest-ridden hardwood and logs from being transported out of infected areas.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call Tree Service Fishers Indiana at 317-537-9770 for professional assistance with Emerald Ash Borers and pest control. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. Our dedicated team of tree contractors offer a wide selection of tree services; from tree removal to stump grinding, lot clearing, storm damage cleanup, and more. Call 317-537-9770 to speak with a professional about tree diseases and Ash tree removal in Fishers, IN and its surrounding counties.

Does Tree Fertilization Help?

We all want our beloved trees to thrive, remain healthy, and stay protected all year long. With this said, it is common for homeowners to inquire about tree fertilization, tree care, and the positive affects it has on our landscaping. People want to know if fertilizing a tree is helpful or simply excessive. Continue reading to learn the answer!

Fertilizer for Trees

There are indeed various fertilizers on the market for trees, shrubs, bushes, and several other types of plant life. They exist for two reasons; demand and necessity. Some of these products are effectual and worth the minimal investment; however, tree fertilizers are not so lucrative. Trees survive by deriving nutrients and water from the soil below. This soil is nutrient-rich and already contains an abundant amount of god stuff that trees need to thrive and be healthy. Adding a tree fertilizer to a tree that has already been planted is not much help. Think of it this way: if you are going to a birthday party, where cake is already expected, would you show up with another cake? The answer is probably no. Although the extra cake doesn’t necessarily hurt anyone, it is not necessary to begin with. It is excessive, just like fertilizing a tree after it has been planted. Another question arises about newly planted trees and tree fertilizing. The answer is the same. Although it will not hurt the tree, it is simply excessive and unnecessary, and a waste of money. Tree fertilization only makes planting trees more expensive!

Tree Service – Fishers, Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana today. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal industry. We provide a wide-range of tree services for both residential and commercial properties; such as lot clearing, stump removal, tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, shaping, storm damage repair, and much more. We also offer free estimates, DIY advice, tree information, and emergency services. Call us at 317-537-9770 for a free estimates regarding tree removal services in Fishers, IN and its nearby locations.

Summertime Threats that Can Jeopardize the Life of Your Trees

We all love summer, and it seems to finally be just around the corner! Summertime is fun and relaxing, and one of the most favored seasons! Nice warm weather opens doors for all sorts of activities and adventures, including gardening. If you are a garden, landscape, or tree growing enthusiast, then you are certainly ready for summer! The only problem is, there are certain dangers out there that can jeopardize the well-being and lifespan of your flora. Be aware of these threats so that you can better prepare yourself against the elements, and further protect your trees from harm.

What Can Harm My Trees?

One of the most common threats to our beloved flora and trees are pests. Insects, wildlife, and beetles can damage the interiors and exteriors of trees. The most talked about and disliked pest is the Emerald Ash Borer. This beetle is the number one caused behind the demise of Ash trees. Within a few short weeks, a colony of Emerald Ash Borer beetles have the ability to kill a tree or harm it beyond repair. There are several products on the market the claim to rid Emerald Ash Borer infestations and prevent them from occurring in the first place; however, some of these products are not helpful, while others are a good buy. It is best to consult a professional Fishers Indiana Tree Service technician for accurate industry advice for Ash Borer and Bark Beetle problems. Other pests that can endanger trees include squirrels, raccoons, bats, and more. There are various wildlife repellants that are safe and useful that effectively thwart wildlife from entering certain boundaries.

Another scenario that can put your trees at risk involves poor drainage and excessive moisture. Trees certainly need water to thrive; however, too much of a good thing can be bad. In this case, too much moisture and water accumulation at the base of a tree can suffocate and drown the roots. It is important to inspect the areas of your property to ensure your yard has proper drainage to avoid flooding your trees.

One more risk to avoid involves weed killers and herbicides. Short story, do not use them. They are typically made with chemicals and ingredients that are harmful to plant life and trees, not just weeds. Signs that weed killers are harming your trees might be unusually twisted or discolored leaves. If you must use weed killers and herbicides, be sure to not apply them near trees, shrubs, bushes, or any other types of flora. Also, do not use the same spray pump that is used for insecticides and fungicides. This will also cause problems.

Fishers Indiana Tree Service

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call our highly trained and qualified Fishers Indiana tree service professionals at 317-537-9770 for professional tree care advice. We have more than 20 years of experience in the tree removal and service industry and can give you accurate answers to your tree care questions. Our company provides a wide-range of tree services and amenities; such as free estimates, consultations, coupons, discounts, free tree haul-away, and much more! You can trust that you are receiving the most reputable and reliable tree care advice in Fishers, IN. Call 317-537-9770 and receive a free estimate for Fishers Indiana tree care and more today!

Tree Service Fishers, Indiana Offers Fantastic Summer Specials for Tree Removal and More

Fishers Tree Service

You’ll be amazed to discover the unbelievable savings and customer care at Tree Service Fishers, Indiana! When it comes to tree removal services you can trust, look no further than Tree Service Fishers, Indiana for reputable and fast tree removal and more in Indiana! Our highly trained and qualified tree removal specialists are extensively experienced in the tree service industry. We offer a wide range of commercial and residential tree services; including tree removal, lot clearing, tree diseases, tree transplanting, pruning, shaping, trimming, and much more.

If you require tree removal services, or simply need an old ugly stump removed from your front yard, the highly trained and experienced tree service technicians can get it done fast at a price you can afford! You will be happy once you hear the fabulous rates and deals available at Tree Service Fishers, Indiana. Ask about our special discounts and current summer specials by calling 317-537-9770 today!

You can receive ten dollars off any tree service! Also, residential property owners can take advantage of our $25 off tree trimming this year! We offer senior discounts, free estimates, DIY advice, tree care information, and more. Don’t hesitate when it comes to tree removal; be safe and have hazardous and unruly trees removed immediately so you can enjoy a stress-free summer.

Tree Service Fishers, Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

For more information about tree removal in Fishers, Indiana, call 317-537-9770 today. Tree Service Fishers, Indiana is happy to answer your questions about tree removal, tree trimming, pruning, shaping, tree transplanting, commercial tree services, and more. Ask about our senior discounts and free estimates when you call! If you want to be sure you are getting professional tree removal and care you can trust, call Tree Service Fishers, Indiana at 317-537-9770 today!