Taking down the Christmas tree is always a bittersweet moment. Although it represents the end of the holiday season, it also symbols the elation you and your loved ones experienced over the prior weeks, as well as, the start of a fresh new year. But when should you take down a Christmas tree? This is an ongoing debate that will attract answers of all kinds. Regardless of popular opinion, there is actually a very good reason behind taking down a Christmas tree at the right time.
When you take your Christmas tree down mostly depends on your culture and beliefs, as well as, how long the tree has already been up. Continue reading to learn when and why a Christmas tree should come down.

Traditional Catholicism
Traditional or orthodox Catholics generally do not take down their Christmas tree until January 7th, which is a special day known as Epiphany. In catholic history, Epiphany is the day that the Three Wise Men arrived to pay homage to the Child Jesus. This is the last day of the 12 days of Christmas, which begin on December 25th, or Christmas day. The period of time celebrated before December 25th are known as Advent.
Tree Display Times
If you choose to celebrate this tradition, it is important to understand that keeping a Christmas tree up too long is a safety hazard. You see, most families these days put up their Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, which extends the period of time a Christmas tree is displayed. In the Catholic tradition mentioned above, the Christmas tree is usually set up on Christmas Eve, which means the tree can safely remain displayed during the 12 Days of Christmas. But when you put your tree up very early in the season, like most others do today, it will be ready to take down sooner than Epiphany day.
Here is Why:
Once a tree is cut down, it is no longer attached to the root ball, which means it is on the verge of dying. Once a tree dies, it begins to lose all of its moisture. So after some time, a Christmas tree will be brittle and dry, making it a prime fire hazard. This is why it is important to take down your tree in a timely manner. You do not have to take it down right after the holidays; but as soon as you notice brittle, greenish-gray needles on your tree, it is ready to be tossed out.
How to Toss Out a Christmas Tree
Most municipal garbage companies permit curbside Christmas tree disposal, which means you can simply bag up your tree and place it with your regular trash, and it will be collected on trash pickup day. Other municipalities will obligate residents to drop off their old tree at a designated tree recycling center. Be sure to check with your county to see what the rules and regulations are for Christmas tree disposal.
For Fishers Residents:
Here in Fishers, curbside Christmas tree collection is not permitted. Instead, we have a Christmas Tree Recycling program for live trees, which runs through February 1, 2019. Visit the City of Fishers website to see where such drop-off centers are located.
Looking for a Fishers Tree Service Provider?
Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We provide residential and commercial tree service, including tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, underbrush removal, and much more. Request an estimate, today.