Caring for a Newly Transplanted Tree

Sometimes a tree needs to be moved and replanted. Whether relocating, buying a new house, renovating backyard, adding patio additions or space additions to the home, or remodeling the property’s landscape, tree transplanting is a frequent necessity among home owners. For whatever reason it is that you need to move and replant a tree, be sure you are familiar with all the proper practices and guidelines for doing so; otherwise, you can quickly kill a tree if any phase of a transplant goes wrong. Knowing how to properly transplant a tree is the answer to caring for a newly transplanted tree. Continue reading to learn these recommended practices so you can feel confident when it comes time to transplant a tree.

Tree Transplanting

Before getting started, it is important to gather all needed tools and supplies for the job. This includes comfortable but strong gardening gloves, a large shovel, plastic rope, soil, water, a planter, and an empty bucket. Be sure your shovel is sharp enough to penetrate the ground, and that your soil is the proper type for your tree. Some trees need a sand-like soil, while others require a more organic soil.

Once you have all your needed supplies, get started by keeping the tree amply watered a few days before you intend to dig it up. Watering the tree ahead of time, before the transplant, will assure the tree roots are saturated with plenty of water for when it is out of the ground.

On the day of the actual transplant, start by gently securing the limbs and branches of the tree with the plastic rope. Pull the branches toward the tree trunk, and then tie the rope around them to prevent them from getting damaged during the move.

Next, dig a trench around the base of the tree. This trench doesn’t need to be more than 25 inches. It just needs to be deep enough to reach the tree’s root ball. After you dig this trench, cut beneath the tree to remove the root ball, careful to not damage any roots.

Smaller trees can be temporarily placed in a bucket of fresh water, while you fill up the planter with soil. If the tree is larger, prepare the planter ahead of time since the root ball won’t fit into a bucket of water. Once the planter is a quarter of the way filled with the proper soil-type, add the tree carefully, then fill the rest of the planter will the remaining soil. Pack the soil down with your hands to ensure all roots are surrounded.

Keep the planter in a safe and secure area, and water the tree regularly until it is time to replant it into the ground outside. If you are not up to transplanting a tree yourself, you are not alone! Simply contact a local tree removal company for professional and affordable tree transplanting services.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree transplanting services in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. We offer a wide range of services for both residential and commercial properties; including tree removal, stump removal, tree trimming, lot clearing, dead wooding, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for prompt and professional tree removal in Fishers, IN today.

Winter Preparation Tips for Young or Newly Planted Trees

Winter is on its way, which to the average homeowner means, preventative maintenance time. On top of all the other chores and projects homeowners take on before winter sets in, it is important to pay attention to any newly planted or young-growth trees. They can fall victim to the harsh winter climates and freezing temperatures if certain precautions are taken before hand. Because trees are beautiful, beneficial, and costly, no one wants to lose one if it can be prevented. Continue reading to learn some tips for preparing younger or recently-planted trees for winter.


Mulch is one of the best defenses against cold winter temperatures and precipitation. It acts as insulation, protecting the tree’s root system below by sealing in heat in the soil. It provides protection against wind, frost, snow, and freezing temperatures. Although it seems counterproductive to lay mulch before the snow, a newly planted tree can quickly die or upheave without proper root protection. The easiest and best way to achieve this is with mulch.

Tree Trunk Guards

Not only can the cold affect trees, the sunlight can too. Sun scald is a common problem for new trees or young trees. Too much exposure to bright sunlight will cause the tree’s bark to peel, crack, die, and drop off. It creates fissures and other damages on the tree bark that can jeopardize the health of the tree. To prevent this, simple wrap your young or newly planted tree trunks with a tree guard or plastic wrap, or another store-bought tree wrapping material. These wraps insulate the tree and reflect the sunlight back off the bark, preventing scald damage. They are fairly inexpensive and easy to install as well.

Branch Protection

Winter precipitation can become too heavy for newly planted or young trees to handle. Too much snow or ice can cause tree branches to crack, break, and fall. To prevent this, wrap tree branches in burlap, or install tree stakes to hold limbs in place.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for more information about tree care and tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties; like tree transplanting, pruning, trimming, tree disease treatment, tree removal, and much more. We also offer free estimates, free advice, coupons, discounts, and more! Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Are Your Pine Trees Losing Needles?

This time of year, deciduous trees are starting to lose their leaves, as they should. But evergreens, like Pine Trees, retain their foliage year-round. So it is understandable that many property owners worry about their pine trees dying when they lose their needles. If your pine trees have being losing more needles than usual this time of year, don’t make any impulsive decisions like cutting them down! There is a good reason why pine trees lose their needles. Continue reading to learn more about pine trees, tree care, and more.

Falling Pine Needles

Pine trees and other conifers, although called evergreens, are not always green all year. Their pine needles will eventually turn color and shed; and then new needles grow in their place the following spring and summer. This cycle happens every two to four years. As a tree grows older each year, you can see the newer needles at the tips of its branches, while the older ones are closest to the crown. So if your pine tree is losing its needles this fall, don’t sweat it! It’s just going through its two to four-year cycle of making room for newer needles.

The reason why a pine tree sheds their needles every few years is because older needles cannot produce sufficient nutrients and food to the tree. Also, new needles overshadow and shade older needles, causing them to change color and drop. This process is safe and natural, and does not harm or hurt the tree in any way.

Although needle-loss is a normal sign of aging for pine trees, there are times to be concerned. If the needles are dropping from the ends of the branch, this means new needles are dying. This is not a good sign. The common causes for this are insects and disease. Contact a professional Fishers Tree Service for accurate diagnostics and assistance.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-5637-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties; including storm damage cleanup, tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, branch removal, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for a free estimate or information regarding tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Signs of Tree Damage

Our trees are more than just aesthetic parts of our landscaping. They also assist in a property’s energy-efficiency, privacy, and more. These reasons, and more, are why homeowner’s take extra care of their landscaping trees. It can be expensive to remove, or replace a tree; so it is best to maintain healthy trees that last a lifetime. When a tree is diseased, injured, or dying, there are several signs that you can see. Take these signs as a warning and implement preventative maintenance to prevent them from happening to your other trees in the future.

Tree Bark

When a tree is in distress, its bark may be the first area to show it. Peeling bark, bark that appears soggy or droopy, bark that is discolored, chipping bark, and foul-smelling bark are all negative signs for a tree. This could mean your tree is dying, or it may have a disease or insect infestation. Call a local Fishers Tree Care service for emergency tree removal or treatment.

Dying Leaves

When the leaves on a tree begin to fall, before Fall, it’s a sign that something is wrong. This could be a sign of diminished water supply, or a lack of nutrients. Nutrients are derived from the soil below, by the root system, and administered throughout the tree. If the leaves are dying, it may be because they are not getting enough nutrients or water.

Tree Branch Loss

If branches on a tree are beginning to die-back or fall off, it could be a sign of girdling roots. This usually occurs when a tree is planted in the middle of pavements or buildings, or planted with limited amount of root-growing space. Be sure to dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots and their eventual growth.

Fishers Tree Service

Call 317-537-9770 for tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the industry. We offer several tree removal and tree services; including tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, and much more. We also offer free estimates and tree care advice, any time. Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal service in Fishers, IN today.

Emerald Ash Borer Facts

The Emerald Ash Borer is a green-backed wood-boring beetle that attacks Ash Trees in the Northern regions of the United States. It was first discovered in Michigan in 2002 and has quickly made a mark in the arborist industry in neighboring states like Ohio, Indiana, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and more. It was thought to be inadvertently imported from Asia ten to fifteen years ago. They are little green beetles that primarily feed on the foliage of Ash trees. But the adult Emerald Ash Borers are not necessarily the threat because their foliage eating has little damaging effect on Ash trees. It is the larvae that causes problems and deterioration.

Emerald Ash Borers

Emerald Ash Borer larvae looks like a small maggot or white worm; while adult beetles are about the size of a raisin, and have metallic green backs. Adults lay eggs inside the bark, and when their larvae is born, they eat their way to the surface until full-grown. Once adults, they emerge from the bark, leaving behind D-shaped exit holes in the wood.

The Emerald Ash Borer larvae is highly damaging to Ash trees, killing thousands of them each year. In fact, since their discovery, these wood-boring beetles have managed to destroy tens of millions of Ash trees all over the northern and north-eastern regions of the country. Affected states include Kentucky, Wisconsin, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Colorado, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, and even parts of Canada.

The destructive effects of the Emerald Ash Borer has cost farmers, arborists, homeowners, and municipalities millions of dollars in damages and losses. The USDA and other caused organizations have been obligated to enforce fines and quarantines on farms and nurseries that contain infected trees. These regulations and restrictions prevented pest-ridden hardwood and logs from being transported out of infected areas.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call Tree Service Fishers Indiana at 317-537-9770 for professional assistance with Emerald Ash Borers and pest control. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree service industry. Our dedicated team of tree contractors offer a wide selection of tree services; from tree removal to stump grinding, lot clearing, storm damage cleanup, and more. Call 317-537-9770 to speak with a professional about tree diseases and Ash tree removal in Fishers, IN and its surrounding counties.