Do I Have to Remove a Dead Tree?

When a tree on your property dies, you are faced with the decision to either remove it or let it be. Continue reading to learn when you might be required to remove a dead tree, and when you might be able to simply use your own personal discretion.  

Tree Removal in Fishers 317-537-9770
Tree Removal in Fishers 317-537-9770

Dead Trees

Dead trees on your property can be quite the conundrum. Some are hazards, and very dangerous to keep up, while others serve valuable ecological and recreational advantages. Either way, dead tree removal is typically up the property owner. It is very rare for the city, county, or homeowners’ association to force a property owner to take down a tree, unless of course it is an obvious hazard. For instance, if you had a dead oak tree that uprooted, thus blocking the sidewalk and street in the neighborhood, you might be asked by the city or local association to have it removed. However, if you have a dead tree standing in your front yard that poses no risk of falling, it is very unlikely that any authority would ask you to take it down.

When to Take Down a Dead Tree

The right time to take a dead tree down might seem obvious, but many people often overlook some common dangers they can pose. Here is when you should remove a dead tree:

⚠ A dead tree should be removed if it is leaning, or uprooted from the ground.

⚠ A dead tree should always be removed if it is obstructing power lines, telephone poles, and other important structures.

⚠ A dead tree should be removed if it is in falling distance of important buildings, structures, or public walkways.

⚠ A dead tree should be removed if it is ridden with pests.

⚠ A dead tree should be removed if it lowers property value or curb appeal.

When to Keep a Dead Tree

Many people do not realize that dead trees are often highly valuable, not only to the surrounding Eco-system, but also to homeowners who enjoy nature-watching. You see, some dead trees are known snag trees, which are trees that serve as habitats for wildlife. Snag trees are one of the most common habitats for all sorts of local wildlife, including squirrels, chipmunks, bats, birds, bugs, and more! See our blog, “What is a Snag?” to learn more about the importance of snag trees, as well as, how to care for one on your property.

Dead Tree Removal Services in Fishers, Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for affordable and prompt tree removal in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and experienced tree care contractors that offer a wide range of residential and commercial tree services at competitive prices. We also offer tree service coupons and discounts! Request a free estimate for Fishers tree service, today.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

What is a Snag?

Dead Tree Removal 317-537-9770

Dead Tree Removal 317-537-9770

In forest ecology, you are likely to come across the term, “snag.” A snag is a term used to describe still-standing trees that are dead and actively going through the decomposition process. Snags play an integral role in the surrounding forest ecosystem, and offer many benefits for our environment as a whole. How can a dead tree be beneficial? Continue reading to learn more about snags and the role they play in our ecosystems.

Formation of Tree Snags

Live trees become snags when they are damaged by fire, lightening, inclement weather, disease, drought, too much shade, too much water, root complications, and land development. Many things can kill a tree, which is why routine tree care is so important. Trees require an optimal amount of water, sunlight, and nutrients, just like most living organisms. When these needs are not met or well-balanced, trees will begin to experience decline. As they weaken, they become more vulnerable to illness, disease, and disruption. To property owners, this is bad news, but for local wildlife, a snag is simply another home opened on the market.

A Wildlife Habitat

Snags, or dead standing trees, are also known as “wildlife trees” because they provide a critical habitat for more than 100 species of wildlife. Wild animals like squirrels, bats, raccoons, owls, birds, and more, use snags as their nesting or roosting area, and for many reasons. Not only is a snag easy to rip apart to form crevices and cavities, many naturally form hollowed areas and holes for animals to use as shelter.

Formations like hollow trunks, excavated cavities, and dead branches are highly useful for wildlife, and can keep them warm and protected during the harsh winter seasons. In fact, without snags, many species of wildlife would not survive the inclement weather this time of year. Furthermore, decaying wood produces and attracts a variety of decomposers, such as bacteria and fungi, insects, and other invertebrates. Snags are a terrific habitat for these organisms, which also makes them a rich source of food for wildlife.

Signs of a Dead or Dying Tree

To identify a snag, you will want to start by looking at its appearance. Discoloration, missing foliage, dry bark, sap runs, wildlife interference, and more, are all common signs of a sick or dead tree. For instance, a dead tree will have brittle, dry bark. If you snap a twig in half and the inner flesh is dull, white, or gray, the tree is likely dead. If the flesh inside the twig is still yellow or green, your tree is still alive. However, a tree be alive, but also be on the verge of dying. So it is important to learn the signs of a dying tree as well, which we will cover in next month’s blog!

Stay Tuned for Our Next Blog to Learn How to Identify Dead and Dying Trees!

Dead Tree Removal in Fishers

Tree Care Coupon Fishers IN

Tree Care Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for Fishers tree service you can trust. We are experienced tree care contractors who offer a wide range of commercial and residential tree services, from routine tree care to major tree work, and everything in between. On top of the most competitive prices in town, we also offer tree service coupons and discounts. Call 317-537-9770 to request a free estimate, today.

Important Routine Tree Services for Residential Properties

Trees and landscaping are among some of the most admired outdoor amenities in neighborhoods and on residential properties; that is, if they are cared for correctly. There is something about trees, gardens, and other flora that impressively influences outdoor ambiance for homes. So what are some of the most effective tree services a homeowner can benefit from to achieve beautiful landscaping? The answer is simple! Continue reading to learn some useful and recommended tree services for attractive landscaping and foliage.

Tree Trimming

Tree trimming is another major necessity when it comes to routine tree care. Cutting off dead tree branches, trimming leaves, and tree topping all promote healthier growth patterns in trees and for their leaves. Be sure to hire a professional tree service company to facilitate any kind of tree work that requires heavy equipment and labor. These companies retain the proper tools, staffs, licenses, and experience to carry out any type of residential or commercial tree services.

Tree Pruning and Shaping

Pruning a tree and tree shaping are basically the same job. Residential tree pruning service is needed to remove dead, diseased, and broken tree branches; as well as, reduce tree height, thin the crown, change the shape and design of the tree, and increase growth and air circulation. Tree shaping, tree pruning, tree thinning, and more are all a part of tree care for residential properties.

Dead Tree Removal

One of the most important tasks to handle when it comes to maintaining a healthy outdoor landscape is removing dead trees. A dead tree could mean many things. It could be dead from a tree bark disease, Emerald Ash Borers or other insect infestations, mold growth, and more. These ailments are a threat for the rest of the healthy greenery on your property. Get rid of dead or diseased trees to promote a healthier and safer habitat for the existing healthy trees on your property.

Tree services are highly recommended to maintain an admirable outdoor landscape; as well as, ensure the safety of your property. Periodically inspecting the larger trees on your property is also highly recommended in order to reduce the likelihood of fallen trees and structural damages. Professional tree care is the only way to go when it comes to tree service for your home and property.

Fishers Tree Service

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for commercial and residential tree services in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained, qualified, and experienced tree care specialists that are happy to answer any questions you have about tree service and tree removal. We also offer tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, shaping, lot clearing, and much more. For information about our Fishers Tree Service prices and availability, call 317-537-9770 and speak with a friendly staff member today.

How to Identify a Hazardous Tree

Mature trees are a beautiful asset to any home or property. Not only do they provide endless aesthetic appeal and enjoyment, they give us shade and privacy, which improves our indoor energy efficiency and reduce external noise pollution. As a family grows year after year, trees do too, making it harder to say goodbye to the ones that need removed. But sometimes, old or ill trees can pose a serious safety concern for humans, pets, and properties.

It is important to remove a hazardous tree within a few short days of discovering it. A dead, dying, or bedridden tree is likely to fall at any moment, depending on its condition. So taking preventative precaution is strongly encouraged for everyone’s safety. But how do you know when a tree is hazardous?

Continue reading and learn the signs of a sick, dead, or dying tree.

Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770
Fishers Tree Services 317-537-9770

Dead and Dying Trees

Dead trees are the easiest to spot. To identify a dead tree, simply take a twig and scratch the surface of it with a knife. What does the inner meat look like? A bright green implies a healthy, but probably dormant, tree. A dull green implies a lower vigor and might mean there is an issue. But brown or dark meat underneath the bark skin signifies a dead tree.

An obvious sign of a dead tree is significant leaf reduction or leaf loss. Outside of winter, a healthy tree grows its leaves back. If it is spring or summer, and a tree is bare, it’s dead or dying.

Another sign of an unhealthy or dying tree is peeling tree bark. When the bark of a tree is spongy, or if it’s brittle and crumbles off at the slightest touch, it is in trouble. It is either already dead or close to it. The same goes for tree limbs and branches. If you notice that many branches and limbs are falling from the tree, or missing from the tree, it is a sure sign that the tree is unhealthy and therefore, unsafe.

Last, you can check for insect infestation to gauge the health and condition of a tree. If you notice a large infestation of beetles or other obtrusive insects, then it may have a tree disease of some sort. This too makes a tree unsafe.

Trusted Tree Removal in Fishers Indiana

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal in Fishers, Indiana. Our highly trained and qualified arborists have decades of experience in the tree care industry. We offer a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties. Call 317-537-9770 for more information about tree removal and tree service in Fishers, IN.

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Fishers Tree Service Coupons 317-537-9770

How to Check Twigs to Detect if a Tree is Dead or Alive

A dead tree is not typically a safe tree to have on or near your property. They are in fact a safety concern, especially for places where children are often present. A dead tree can fall over and crush anything beneath it, causing injury or death to people and pets, or severe structural damage to property and vehicles. If a tree cannot serve its purpose of aesthetic appeal and comfortable shade, then why have it on your property at all? It is best to remove a tree once it is deemed dead. But how can you know for sure that a tree is dead? After all, many seem as if they have died, only to re-bloom the following spring. One easy strategy for identifying a dead tree is checking its twigs. Sound a little too easy? It should because it is! Continue reading to learn how a twig can quickly tell you whether or not a tree is dead or alive.

Tree Twigs

When trees become dormant in winter, it can be tricky discerning the difference between a dead tree, a tree that needs a few dead branches removed, and a tree that is simply inactive due to the climate. This is why twigs are useful tools in identifying a tree’s condition and health. The only catch to this simple method is that it could take a few twigs or more to make a proper distinction.

Here’s how to check twigs to assess the health and status of a tree you suspect is dead or dying:

1. Examine the moisture level and color of the twigs. The dryer the twig, the deader the tree. Dead or dying trees also have brown or grey-colored twig branches, rather than the healthy-looking tan, purple, orange, or greenish colors that an active tree would have.

2. Look for new branch or bud growth at the ends of the twigs in the late winter or early spring. If the leaf buds appear swollen or open, then the tree is alive. You can also gently scrape the leaf buds with your fingernail to see if you can spot some green. This is another sign of an active tree.

3. Check the flexibility of a few twigs by gently bending them, but not too far that it could break or damage a healthy branch. A dead or dying tree twig will easily snap in half or clear off the tree with just a little pressure; while a healthy tree will exhibit some buoyancy and bend back into shape.

4. Use a small pocket knife, or your fingernail, to scrape the flesh of a twig. If green, white, or cream-colored on the inside, you have a healthy tree on your hands. If brown or grey-like, you have a dead or nearly dead tree.

If you find a dead tree on your property, it is a potential hazard to you, your children, your guests, your home and siding, your cars, and more. It is strongly recommended to have a dead tree removed as soon as possible by a licensed tree service.

Tree Service in Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified tree service contractors with several years of experience in the industry. We provide residential and commercial tree removal, as well as, a long list of additional tree services. Call 317-537-9770 to learn more about our affordable tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Are Your Pine Trees Losing Needles?

This time of year, deciduous trees are starting to lose their leaves, as they should. But evergreens, like Pine Trees, retain their foliage year-round. So it is understandable that many property owners worry about their pine trees dying when they lose their needles. If your pine trees have being losing more needles than usual this time of year, don’t make any impulsive decisions like cutting them down! There is a good reason why pine trees lose their needles. Continue reading to learn more about pine trees, tree care, and more.

Falling Pine Needles

Pine trees and other conifers, although called evergreens, are not always green all year. Their pine needles will eventually turn color and shed; and then new needles grow in their place the following spring and summer. This cycle happens every two to four years. As a tree grows older each year, you can see the newer needles at the tips of its branches, while the older ones are closest to the crown. So if your pine tree is losing its needles this fall, don’t sweat it! It’s just going through its two to four-year cycle of making room for newer needles.

The reason why a pine tree sheds their needles every few years is because older needles cannot produce sufficient nutrients and food to the tree. Also, new needles overshadow and shade older needles, causing them to change color and drop. This process is safe and natural, and does not harm or hurt the tree in any way.

Although needle-loss is a normal sign of aging for pine trees, there are times to be concerned. If the needles are dropping from the ends of the branch, this means new needles are dying. This is not a good sign. The common causes for this are insects and disease. Contact a professional Fishers Tree Service for accurate diagnostics and assistance.

Tree Service Fishers Indiana

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Tree Service Coupon Fishers Indiana 317-537-9770

Call 317-5637-9770 for professional tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the tree removal and service industry. We provide a wide range of tree services for residential and commercial properties; including storm damage cleanup, tree removal, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, branch removal, and much more. Call 317-537-9770 for a free estimate or information regarding tree removal services in Fishers, IN today.

Signs of Tree Damage

Our trees are more than just aesthetic parts of our landscaping. They also assist in a property’s energy-efficiency, privacy, and more. These reasons, and more, are why homeowner’s take extra care of their landscaping trees. It can be expensive to remove, or replace a tree; so it is best to maintain healthy trees that last a lifetime. When a tree is diseased, injured, or dying, there are several signs that you can see. Take these signs as a warning and implement preventative maintenance to prevent them from happening to your other trees in the future.

Tree Bark

When a tree is in distress, its bark may be the first area to show it. Peeling bark, bark that appears soggy or droopy, bark that is discolored, chipping bark, and foul-smelling bark are all negative signs for a tree. This could mean your tree is dying, or it may have a disease or insect infestation. Call a local Fishers Tree Care service for emergency tree removal or treatment.

Dying Leaves

When the leaves on a tree begin to fall, before Fall, it’s a sign that something is wrong. This could be a sign of diminished water supply, or a lack of nutrients. Nutrients are derived from the soil below, by the root system, and administered throughout the tree. If the leaves are dying, it may be because they are not getting enough nutrients or water.

Tree Branch Loss

If branches on a tree are beginning to die-back or fall off, it could be a sign of girdling roots. This usually occurs when a tree is planted in the middle of pavements or buildings, or planted with limited amount of root-growing space. Be sure to dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots and their eventual growth.

Fishers Tree Service

Call 317-537-9770 for tree service in Fishers, Indiana. We are highly trained and qualified arborists with decades of experience in the industry. We offer several tree removal and tree services; including tree disease treatment, tree transplanting, trimming, pruning, and much more. We also offer free estimates and tree care advice, any time. Call 317-537-9770 for professional tree removal service in Fishers, IN today.